
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Curry Pumpkin Soup with Curry Toast

Extended Life for: Pumpkin and Wonder Bread It's a shame that most pumpkins are simply carved into a face, become moldy, then are tossed. We the American people have forgotten that pumpkins are food and can be prepared before hitting the can. Here is a delicious way to enjoy next years Jack-O-Lantern.


1 Pumpkin; seeded, peeled, diced
4-6 cups Chicken broth
1 cup Onion
3 cloves Garlic, minced
Salt & Pepper to taste
Curry Powder to taste
Heavy Whipping Cream

Curry Powder


Place pumpkin, chicken broth, onion, garlic, salt in pepper in a slow cooker. Cook on low for 8-10 hours. Let cool slightly. Puree pumpkin mix in a blender, transfer to dutch oven. Heat pumpkin puree and add curry powder. Gradually add whipping cream until desired consistency. If desired, saute extra garlic and onion and add to soup. For toast, heat butter in a skillet. Sprinkle curry powder and salt in skillet, place bread in skillet. Toast each side to desired crispness, serve with soup.

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