
Friday, November 5, 2010

Apple Cider Taste-Alike

What says fall better than Apple Cider? Not much.

So, Wednesday night, we had some friends over for a night of Apples!

It began with a rather successful attempt at Apple Cider followed by an Apple Crisp to which I will soon post directions, and ended with a few good rounds of Apples to Apples. How about that for bringin' in a little Fall Tradition on the opposite side of the globe?

If you find yourself in Korea, craving Apple Cider this mix of beverages should satisfy the craving:

2 Parts Apple Juice
1 Part 수정과 (soo-jeon-ggwa)

For those living in the US, here are two Cider Options:

Chai Cider - which I was making last year about this time

Or, try your hand at making your own Soo-jeon-ggwa

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