
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Roasted Cabbage and Onion Fried Rice


Doing an MAED online, having the ocassional exhausting day teaching kiddos or working with co-teachers, I have gained a knack for quick meals that use up random odds and ends from the vegetable drawer - this is not exception.

Chunk up some cabbage and onion, drizzle with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper roast in the oven at about 350 degrees (277 Celcius) for 15 minutes or so (mine got a little crispy and I LOVED it, so don't fret too much while it's in the oven). If you don't have day old rice, prepare some rice while veggies are cooking. With prepared rice and veggies ready just throw some olive oil in a skillet, whisk up a couple of eggs with some garlic and soy, throw it into the hot skillet and scramble, throw in the rice and additional soy sauce to taste - mix with the egg and serve with roasted veggies on the side. It may seem like a strange combination and it likely is (the lemon with the soy) but it served it's purpose well in my household and I wouldn't be ashamed to go there a second (or even third time).

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